We have all seen this label before, either in big
supermarkets or in local grocery stores. But what exactly is it?
The Fairtrade Label
It is the product label for Fairtrade, a sustainable trade
with developing countries. The Fairtrade international headquarters, FLO, in
Bonn, Germany, describe Fairtrade as a “global organization working to secure a
better deal for farmers and workers”.
Farmers must be certified for minimum social, economic and
environmental requirements to participate in Fairtrade, a process coordinated
by FLO-CERT, but benefits include better prices, decent working conditions and
local sustainability. Fairtrade guarantees a fair minimum price so that the
growers are protected and have stability and financial security. In addition,
they can receive extra money called Fairtrade premium. Producers can choose
what to do with the money whose purpose it to serve the community of and around
farmers or workers on plantations. They can use it to build schools, health
centers, or even to become certified organic.
Fairtrade Bananas in Ghana
Fairtrade also guarantees a greater respect for farmers and
for the environment and encourages smallholder farmers to work together in
cooperatives so that they can share resources and strengthen their bargaining
power. Therefore, it creates a closer link between consumer and producer,
meaning that small farmers have a stronger position in world markets.
Some Fairtrade Products
Today, thousands of products that contain at least 20% Fairtrade
ingredients and fulfill the Fairtrade standards carry the Fairtrade mark and
benefit more than 7.5 million people, including workers, farmers and their
families in 59 countries. In 2012, over 80 million euros were paid in Fairtrade
Premium, while consumers spent more than 4.8 billion euros on Fairtrade
products. Fairtrade has made a huge impact on millions of people and is the
most widely recognized ethical label around the world.
A Borehole drilled using Premium Money in a sugar cane cooperative in Malawi